Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Megan's Modeling Headshot


What's the thought process?

Before every photo shoot I always ask "What are the pictures to be used for?" - or along the idea of "What do you want the viewer to see"

Megan wanted a "models headshot" for her portfolio - a nice, clean, easy photo.

So these photos have no special makeup - no hair styling, it was as she is on a normal day as raw as possible to show anyone looking at it would see who she is without any work done to her face.

Like with anyone, it took a few minutes to get into it, and after switching around the lighting a few times, here are the few final images.

I also decided to add a print because I thought it came out really nice.

You may also recognize her from a previous shoot we did for Boutique Wolffe.

What else do you want to see?

More explanations?

Photo techy talk:
 Canon 5D Markiii -100mm f/2.8 86" PLM on a AB800 to the camera right, and a reflector for fill on the cameras right, white background photoshopped to pure white.

ISO - 100

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