Thursday, February 9, 2012

Levi as a wedding photographer - Part 1

Rumbling down the runway at LGA airport with the noise of the engine blaring and the sound of the wind rushing by...

Im back from my little time spent in Texas.

What Texas? ye I know ive been hiding it from you and I havent blogged much over the last little bit.

Ill explain.

I was asked to join as a 2nd photographer for a wedding in Texas, thinking it was a good opportunity for me I decided to take the time off from work and get out to work with a very experienced photographer on a important job to capture the special day for the "Soon to be" couple.

Arriving with a open mind as to how im going to adapt to how this other photographer does "his thing" and to learn how works so I can work with him to work the most effectively.

To be blogged about at a different time I can now say that I was naive as to how much details is cared for and how time flies when everyone is running and kids are tripping, cousins are distracting and waiters are carrying trays right through the crowd.. Etc

It was an amazing learning experience and Im glad I decided to join!

How would you approach a wedding when you enter a room this size and you cant miss a thing?

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